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SIP New Build

Kane Build Group is Auckland's leading SIP builder and are an official build partner of Formance - the New Zealand market leader in supply of SIP panels.


What are SIP'S?

SIPs are high performance thermally efficient composite panels which consist of a sandwich of two layers of structurally laminated board with an insulating layer of foam in between. This creates a high performing building panel for walls, floors and ceilings. When a building is to be constructed in SIPs, a number of panels are connected together replacing the traditional method of timber framing and batt insulation

Panels are laser cut with precision in factory based on your home's unique plans. The panels are then delivered to site and assembled by us on site.

Each panel is precision cut in a factory based upon your individual plans then locked together on-site to create an incredibly well insulated home. Depending on your site, entire wall sections can be assembled indoors then lifted into place on site. This can save huge amounts of construction time and reduce delays caused by weather.

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Why SIP's?

Energy efficient

Formance™ panels combine superior insulation with near-zero air leakage to maximize the performance of your home. Insulation ratings greatly exceed traditional building methods.


Formance™ panels help improve structural strength for resistance to natural disasters. The panels act as bracing and can span up to 6 meters, allowing you to create expansive open spaces without the need for a steel I-Beam


Formance panels are engineered in a controlled factory environment which allows for precision home building. Easy to build with, fast to erect and with less wastage or re-work on site. 


Formance™ panels are a welcome relief to our environment, having an estimated reduction in the level of Carbon emissions of 9.9 x over the life of the building when compared to traditional building methods. Key contributors to the superior performance of Formance™ panels in this area include

Reduced heating and cooling loads over lifetime of home

  • High R-value

  • Low air leakage rate

  • Low environmental impact of materials

  • Lightweight materials reduce transportation

Structural Insulated Panels in Action

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